The Origin for this blog.

This blog, among other things in my life, was inspired by listening to a very well delivered presentation by Chad Plemons, Vice President of Information Technology at EdFinancial.

I have a feeling that when I look back in 10 years from wherever I am, I'm going to recognize that presentation as a turning point for my professional future. I learned a lot about the corporate world, and the more importantly, the world of Information Technology during the speech. It was also very motivating and inspiring on top of being informative.

Here is a small list of the things that I was inspired to do following the presentation.

1) Start this blog.
2) Join & learn twitter.
3) Make a commitment to curb my language.
4) Join linkedin.
5) Put more consideration into continuing my education beyond the 2 year degree.
6) Develop an actual name for the business I run out of the house doing computer related work. This blog is named after the business name. I was quite proud of it.
7) Put more effort into all my relationships, no matter if they are familial, personal, or professional.
8) Add a few books to my list, including works from Stephen Covey & Guy Kawasaki.
9) Expand my expectations and prospects for future jobs from strictly hardware related IT.
10) Update, expand, and send out my resume.

It really did have an impact on me, both professionally and personally. I am already listening to the audio book of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I'm also attempting to really curb language and do a better job interacting with everyone around me. I do hope the effort I put in  pays off as much as I think it will, but even if it doesn't, I feel better about myself. Not that I really ever think that Mr. Plemons will read this blog, but I feel I must say it just to close this introduction properly.

Chad Plemons: Thank You!

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